We all know the major benefits of menstrual cups. Whether you’ve been doing some reading online or have a friend who’s a convert, you’ve probably heard how much you’ll save compared to buying pads or tampons and how good they are for the environment. But there’s more to it than that.
If you’re still on the fence about buying a menstrual cup, you’re not alone. We’ve put together this article rounding up some of the lesser known but equally important benefits of switching to the cup. Read on and maybe you’ll learn something that will help you make the right decision.
While our periods may only last up to a week, sometimes it can feel like our whole lives revolve around when they’re going to be and how painful they are. Do I have enough tampons or pads? Do I have the right kind in case it’s a heavy or light month? Where’s the nearest bathroom in case I need to go change?
With a menstrual cup, all that is gone. No more choosing between heavy and light pads or worrying about leaving the house close to that time of the month without tampons. Once you’ve got the right size for you, you only need the one menstrual cup. Just insert it and you won’t have to worry about it for eight hours. After the initial adjustment period, many women say they can’t even feel it, a welcome change from the feeling a saturated pad creates.
Many people who haven’t made the switch to menstrual cups may be confused by this point. How could a cup that holds the liquid be more hygienic than a pad or a tampon that simply absorbs it? Think carefully about every interaction you have with your pad. If you have a heavy flow, you’ll be pulling saturated cotton out of your underpants and having to find a place to throw it away. This has the potential to be extremely unhygienic as period blood is a breeding ground for bacteria.
With a menstrual cup, you don’t have to look at the blood potentially ever. Simply empty the cup into the toilet, flush and it’s gone. The cup will need to be washed and sterilised after, but this is a simple, easy process.
For people with lighter periods, the common complaint is that tampons or pads take more moisture than they need to, leaving their vagina dry and potentially irritated. Being non-absorbent, menstrual cups avoid that problem all together, capturing just the right amount – and the right type – of moisture.
To learn more about how a menstrual cup could help you, speak to the experts at Pelvi today.