MEDIballs Secret is an affordable, non-surgical and simple way to strengthen pelvic floor muscles. The device subsequently enhances sexual health, function and gratification. MEDIballs Secret works to stimulate pelvic floor muscles with weighted balls. The pelvic floor muscle wraps around the outer one-third layer of the vagina, which corresponds to the part of the vagina commonly known as the ‘orgasmic platform.’ The gentle movement of the balls stimulates the muscles, which generates new nerves and increases pelvic elasticity. The result of which is increased flexibility and sensitivity.
Re-engaging with the pelvic floor muscle can also improve sex drive, as increased blood flow to the vagina enhances sensitivity and arousal. Central to sexual health is the exercising of pelvic floor muscles. Many women may be familiar with the popular title ‘Kegel Exercises,’ or actively participate in yoga or Pilates with a goal of increased pelvic strength.
Although pelvic floor exercises are important, they are complemented and amplified by MEDIballs Secret. What makes MEDIballs Secret a ground breaking innovation is that it will produce results as a stand-aloneA medical device, without the necessity of pelvic floor exercises. However, if you wish accelerate your pelvic health training, combine MEDIballs Secret with the complimentary 37 page exercise book included with your MEDIballs Secret order.