Signs Of A Weak Pelvic Floor

Signs Of A Weak Pelvic Floor

September 29, 2017

Signs Of A Weak Pelvic Floor

The pelvic floor is a system of muscles, tendons and tissues that act like a sling to support the organs of your pelvis including the uterus, vagina and bladder. There are many factors that may cause the pelvic floor to weaken and often women are not sure if a weaned pelvic floor is causing their light bladder leakage.

How do you know if you have a weak pelvic floor & if this is causing your light bladder leakage?

  • Experiencing leakage when you laugh, sneeze or exercise
  • Frequent trips to the bathroom
  • Experience difficult emptying your bladder
  • Accidentally losing control of your bladder
  • Backache
  • Feel pressure or a sense of fullness in the pelvis
  • Bloated stomach
  • Weak pelvic floor muscles can also cause sexual difficulties such as reduced vaginal sensation

There is an easy indicator you use to test your pelvic floor muscles: next time you go to the toilet to urinate, try stopping the urine mid-stream. If you have trouble stopping the flow that may be because of weak muscles.

Indications of a prolapse 

If you feel a bulge in the vagina or a feeling of heaviness, dragging or dropping & experience frequent pelvic pain then thus may in indicate you have a prolapsed uterus. A doctors examination will be able to tell you if you do have a prolate and what stage the prolapse is. 

How improve pelvic floor function 

Researching women’s health and the muscles of the pelvic floor, numerous studies have found that weakened pelvic muscles can be retrained and strengthened through the use of weighted balls and pelvic floor exercises. Kegel weights like MEDIballs Secret are a great form of exercise for women who struggle with bladder control and forms of urinary incontinence. Adding Kegel exercises to your daily routine can really increase your chances of noticing differences in your pelvic floor strength and bladder activity.

Targeted training through the use of MEDIballs Secret pelvic floor strengthener can restore strength to the pelvic floor muscles, correcting or preventing the dysfunction of the bladder and other pelvic organs. MEDIballs Secret crates a trampoline effect, an internally concealed innovation in which the ball moves randomly with your body. Random movement provides permanent stimulation impulse. A strong pelvic floor reduces the risk of prolapses, incontinence issues and can increase both partners’ pleasure and the ability to climax during sexual intercourse.

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